email direction LNDD De: D Boer de [] Envoyd: mardi 1 aoOt 2006 16:57 A: Cc: Objet: B-sample analysis Landis Dear Dr. de Ceaurriz, This is to inform you that on thursday August 3, I will be present in your laboratory to witness a B-sample procedure regarding Landis. At the beginning of the B-sample procedure, a legal representative of Landis will confirm ray mandate. As far as I understood the procedure will start at 9:30 and will continue untill saterday August 5. Because I did not receive through the representative of the athlete yet a copy of the laboratory Documentation Package of the A-sample analysis, I would appreciate if you could make such a copy available at the beginning of the B-sample procedure. With kind regards, Dr Douwe de Boer Department of Clinical Chemistry University Hospital Maastricht Visiting address: Prof. Debyelaan 25 6229 HX Maastricht Mail address: PO Box 5800 6202 fiZ Maastricht The Netherlands Phone: +31-43-3876696 Fax: +31-43-3874667 e-mail: ^**-*-k* ****** This email and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify us by email or telephone and delete the original email and attachments without using, disseminating or reproducing its contents to anyone other than the intended recipient. The azM shall not be liable for the incorrect or incomplete transmission of this email or any attachments, nor for unauthorized use by its employees . ******.**;********************************■**•*****"*********■•********••************** ******** *•** Orange vous informe que cet e-mail a ete controle par 1' anti-virus mail. Aucun virus connu a ce jour par nos services n'a ete detecte. USADA 0244 ft